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Fake News !!! Indian Penal Code 233

Fake News !!! Indian Penal Code 233

India is suffering from biggest social issue i.e. RAPE
And the no. is increasing  rapidly.
But in Social media we are having a viral message as:


"As per Indian Penal Code 233. If a girl is suspected to be raped or getting raped, then she has the supreme right to kill the man, or harm that person as dangerously and girl won’t be blamed for murder. Tell as many as you can ."

But is it a true??? 
The answer is NO

Actually in IPC Section 233 of chapter 12 we have
 Offences relating to coin and Government Stamps 

Central Government Act
Section 233 in The Indian Penal Code
233. Making or selling instrument for counterfeiting coin.—Whoever makes or mends, or performs any part of the process of making or mending, or buys, sells or disposes of, any die or instrument, for the purpose of being used, or knowing or having reason to believe that it is intended to be used, for the purpose of counterfeiting coin, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three years, and shall also be liable to fine.

So kindly look over the messages on official websites before sharing it to your friends and relatives.
*I didn't mean that this law is not correct ,what i want to state is that misguiding the people by providing wrong information is not a good way of publicity*
Thank you

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