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Mbps vs MBPS ?

Is there any difference in both these terms?

Some times we find both these abbreviation while downloading files, sending the files and we can also find it when we connect to any WiFi.

There is a great difference between MBps and Mbps.
ISP, telecom companies provide the data rate in higher values so as to impress their consumers.

MBps mean "Megabytes per second"
Mbps means "Megabits per second"

Data transfer rates are typically measured in bits per second (bps) as opposed to bytes per second, which can be understandably confusing. 
Because there are eight bits in a bytea sustained data transfer rate of 80 Mbps is only transferring 10 MB per second.


In terms of data Transfer Rate :

1Megabytes =8 Megabits
1 MBps =1Mbps

So when we use Capital Letter Alphabet "B" then it is for "BYTE" and in case of small(lower case) "b" it is for "BITS"

In simple language, Capital "B" is larger then Small "b" So MBps is greater then Mbps.

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