Is google only a tech company?
Is google only a tech company?
Ever wonder this question?
With advancing in its technology, Google has changed this answer from Yes to No. Most of us only know that Google is a tech company dealing with Search Engine, YouTube, Chrome, Analytics all other similar products. But we still are unaware of what google is contributing with its advance intelligence and automation to the different parts of the society.
In the field of life science, its technology is giving a great advancement to medical devices such as CT scans, MRI, ultrasound, microscopes etc.
Is google only a tech company?
Source: Google Youtube

Here is a recent example:
A few days ago, I found on the internet that, how they have changed the traditional culture of cell examining under microscope by staining it.
Let talk about what was in tradition? 
Previously, for examining a cell structure or any disease in a cell doctors/researchers stain it with colors to distinguish them in a cell slide. It results in an examination  of the cell but the cell on staining gets damaged and dead in a few moments. 
Is google only a tech company?
Source: Google Image Search 

What Google Innovated with its Scientists and developers?
They designed an advance microscope which has machine learning and AI, which will give colors and marks on live-cell under its microscope with visualization, this will help in reattaining the cell life after the examination as well as observing the cell movement without killing it.
is google only a tech company?
Source: Google youtube

This was a small example of what Google is serving in society apart from Technology.
Hope you liked it.
Utkarsh Shekhar Jaiswal