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Logo of famous companies and their meaning

 copyright by LG

1.    LG:        LG is recognized worldwide, and most people recognize the ‘L-Life’s’ and ‘G-Good’ in the logo mark. What most people don’t realize, though, is that those letters actually help to create a face. The ‘L’ makes the nose and the ‘G’ makes up the rest of the face. This gives the brand a human element and makes it more inviting and approachable.

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2.    Pinterest:          Pinterest got its namesake from the idea of ‘pinning’ things you like to a board. To further the idea of the pin, the ‘P’ represents a pushpin. This brings together the real-life aspect of tacking something to your wall and also doing it in the digital age.
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3.    Adidas:   Adidas is a popular sports apparel and shoe company. Three stripes have always been a part of their logo, but in their most recent redesign the stripes are staggered to look like a mountain. The mountain represents the challenges and obstacles athletes will face and overcome. right by google

4.    Google:   Another incredibly recognizable logo worldwide (even after their recent redesign), Google’s logo is supposed to symbolize that they don’t play by the rules and know how to have fun. Instead of having a crazy font or symbol, they chose to relay their message with colour. They stuck with the primary colour palette, but broke it with a secondary colour, green.

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5.    Apple:     One of the most recognizable logos in the world, the Apple logo is theorized to have come from none other than the story of Adam and Eve. The apple is supposed to be the apple Eve bit from, and represents the fruits from the Tree of Knowledge.        

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6.    Audi:       Another car company with a logo with a hidden meaning is Audi. The four rings represent the four companies that came together to create the original Audi, Auto Union.                     

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7.    Toyota:   Toyota’s current logo has been around since 1990. The popular car manufacturer’s three overlapping rings symbolize the unification of the hearts of Toyota customers and Toyota’s products. The background space represents their technological advancement and the opportunities that lay ahead.
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8.    BMW:      BMW’s logo colour come from the Bavarian flag, which are blue and white. Their logo is derived from the Rapp Motor Works’ logo, which is very similar. The logo represents the blades of a spinning propeller, due to their aviation history and an ad created in the 1920s.                                       

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9.           Hyundai:   Many people are inclined to think that the logo of the South Korean conglomerate Hyundai is simply the first letter of its name. But actually, the letter ’Н’ symbolises two people (a client and a representative of the company) shaking hands

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